A superb performance – and that’s no lie!

TOP CLASS Barbara Ryan (Gran), Steven Holt (Geoffrey), Hugh Raine (Billy) and Jacky Fletcher (Alice) in action.TOP CLASS Barbara Ryan (Gran), Steven Holt (Geoffrey), Hugh Raine (Billy) and Jacky Fletcher (Alice) in action.
TOP CLASS Barbara Ryan (Gran), Steven Holt (Geoffrey), Hugh Raine (Billy) and Jacky Fletcher (Alice) in action.
Someone who lies incessantly, has three girls on the go and winds his family up so much, he may or may not have rushed his grandmother into her grave sounds like a thoroughly dislikable person.

But somehow Billy Fisher is a likeable character – and you really do root for him, right to the end.

Maybe it’s Hugh Raine’s portrayal of Billy. Hugh is a Dewsbury Arts Group regular who always gives a top class, confident and professional performance.

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Excellent performances were also given by Jacky Fletcher as Billy’s mum; Steven Holt, who played his dad, Barbara Ryan as his grandma, and Helen Fox as Billy’s ‘boring, flat-footed’ fiancee.

Dewsbury Arts Group always give superb performances; the sets, costumes and choreography are always of the highest standard.

As usual, Dewsbury Arts Group puts on an unmissable show.